October in Pictures
We enjoyed the first half of this month with Opa and Marcus. As you can see we did a lot!
We also celebrated Manuel and Cambrey's birthdays! We also found time to go down to Grandpa Roger's new place and visit for a weekend. That was a lot of fun!
I shared on my YouTube channel in September that I no longer celebrate Halloween. Manuel and the kids were not quite on the same page as me. However, they helped me get rid of all of our Halloween decorations and costumes. They helped me decorate the house and yard with beautiful fall decorations instead. I stayed indoors on Halloween night and Manuel bought the kids costumes and took them trick-or-treating. I noticed a peaceful difference about our home, by not bringing Halloween inside of it.
Baby Eloise's blessing
Grandma Bev's Harvest party.
Harvest from my garden.
At the Layton park
Gabe had his own yard sale and sold everything!
At Grandpa Roger's.
Me and my friend Becky on October 31st.
Manuel's birthday!
Cambrey playing dress ups.
Cambrey's birthday.
Smoked turkey!
Our 801 rocks.